Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Jimbo and Robot Bobby

Is there a more ridiculous name for a grown human being other than Jimbo. Perhaps Scooter is worse but we're not talking politics here. By all accounts he is a terrific Offensive coordinator, and that has seemed to be what has been missing in past years, but that is a stupid fucking name. Before you start with your Urban comments that guy was a Pope. But there is also something that seems bizarre about a backwoods southern nickname and a Jewish last name. Like Bubba Lowenstein, or Skeeter Goldberg. I do honestly hope he does a good job there, because the days of epic Florida-Florida State battles seems like a distant memory now. I also think a good ACC keeps the SEC on it's toes. But if he does a good job there he could have that job when Bobby goes out to pasture, which I am convinced is going to be 2045. Robot Bobby will then become Athletic Director for another 1000 years.

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